$9.9 Special Runescape items
- 5.4K Raw lobster + 1M gold = $9.9
- 4.9K Law rune + 1M gold = $9.9
- 6.6K Nature rune + 1M gold = $9.9
- 3.3K Yew logs + 1M gold = $9.9
- 8.5K Bow string + 1M gold = $9.9
- 1K Dragon bones + 100 Big bones = $9.9
- 2.5K Steel bar + 1M gold = $9.9
- 12K Pure essence + 1M gold = $9.9
- 18K Flax + 1M gold = $9.9
- 1K Magic logs + 1M gold = $9.9
- 30K Iron arrow + 2M gold = $9.9
- 5K Blood rune + 1M gold = $9.9
- Prayer potion(4) + Super attack(4) + Super defence(4) + Super strength(4) = $9.9
- Free gift: You will receive 10% extra free gold from the Runescape items's order.
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