$9.9 Special Runescape items
- 5.4K Raw lobster + 1M gold = $9.9
- 4.9K Law rune + 1M gold = $9.9
- 6.6K Nature rune + 1M gold = $9.9
- 3.3K Yew logs + 1M gold = $9.9
- 8.5K Bow string + 1M gold = $9.9
- 1K Dragon bones + 100 Big bones = $9.9
- 2.5K Steel bar + 1M gold = $9.9
- 12K Pure essence + 1M gold = $9.9
- 18K Flax + 1M gold = $9.9
- 1K Magic logs + 1M gold = $9.9
- 30K Iron arrow + 2M gold = $9.9
- 5K Blood rune + 1M gold = $9.9
- Prayer potion(4) + Super attack(4) + Super defence(4) + Super strength(4) = $9.9
- Free gift: You will receive 10% extra free gold from the Runescape items's order.
Usfine Notice
After the update of jagex,many player's account got banned for few days,also cause some of the quest can't be finished,such as:TzHaar Fight Cave,becuase it don't let players to kill the Boss TzTok-...
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VIP Rapid RS Gold is coming
1:100% professional gamers for you. 2:100% safe to your account. 3:100% guaranteed speed. 4:After your order is confirmed, we will fnish it in time. If it is delayed, we will s...