Where can I find Runescape Gold for Sale online

Usfine 日期: Dec/23/13 14:06:51 浏览次数: 4646

To those runescape players, the most important stuff in the game is runescape gold. They try everything they can do to get the rs gold. Among those ways, to buy runescape is the easiest way. But where to find runescape gold for sale? It is not difficult at all.
As we know, Jagex does not sell runescape gold by themselves. So this means you will have to buy runescape gold from the third party websites such as usfine.com.


At present, Usfine sell old school runescape gold and RS 3 Gold. If you want to buy from them, just need to visit their website first. You can choose to create an account or buy directly. But we suggest you to register an account, because you can get shopping points if you have an account. Also you will get VIP discount if your totally purchase reaches certain amount when you buy with an account.

After you have registered an account, you can just choose your preferred products to buy, they also have runescape accounts for sale, so if you want to buy a rs account, you just need to choose your favorite one, and then fill the billing information, click checkout you will enter the payment page. Now you will need to choose your payment method. They offer three types of payment methods. Paypal, credit card and western union. Most of the customers like using paypal and credit card to pay because those are the most frequently used ways for people to pay. But some people prefer to pay via western union. Because if you choose western union, you can enjoy the extra 5% discount which cannot be better.

Once you have completed your payment, the next step is to arrange the delivery. You can go to their 24/7 livechat and their friendly operators will talk to you. Sometimes, they need to make a phonecall to confirm your are the real buyer. But take it easy, the phone would only take few seconds. Once your order is confirmed, they will tell you where to meet in the game, and then you will get what you ordered in just few minutes.

So you can see it is very easy and safe to buy runescape gold and other game products online. Some players do not trust those gold sales websites, that is not necessary, because there are some sites which are very legit like usfine.com. if you do not believe, you can try with a very small order and then you will see.

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