WOW Gold Sale of Lowest Price plus 20% Bonus & CTM Reputation PL Available now.

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:57:52 浏览次数: 3487
Dear customers,
New Year is coming, all staffs wish everyone Happy New Year.We appreciate our customers for always sticking with us.Hope you can continue to support us in 2011.Now we launch the promotion of World Of Warcraft:

1.Absolutely Cheapest price;
2.Buy WOW Gold,get 20% Bonus;
3.The lastest Update of WOW Powerleveling;
4.New Free Package for Team Purchasement.

If you are a member or a Raid Leader of any Guild,or you usually fight on the same battlefront,you will need a certain or uncertain ammount of gold on a regular basis.Then please contact our VIP Customer Service by Email or msn :[email protected] .Really hope we can cooperate with you.We will get the gold ready for you. Meanwhile, we will also provide the free service to help your team Level up low level accounts and get the honor points as your request.If you are interested,please dont hesitate to contact us!


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