Woodcutting in RuneScape
One of the best and fastest ways to level are willows. These trees are mostly found near water and will have a quick re spawn time. They a nice amount of logs meaning you will get more exp from a single tree. 30 woodcutting is required to cut willows. Better trees like yew or magic may give more exp but they usually have more people cutting them and are fewer in number. If you are wanting to cut yews then I highly recommend you cut willows at least until 65 so you have a decent chance to receive willows when cutting with a higher level woodcutter.

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Summoning is a complex skill that allows you to invoke many types of assistance from a wide variety of creatures. It also allows you to have different pets such as dogs, birds, reptiles and wild an...

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Do you want to help decide on a new Summoning familiar? In this week's poll you can do exactly that! Choose from such varied creatures as killerwatts, giant kebbits and kangaroos... Each of ...

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Before we start training Fishing, be sure you have fishing implement. Go to Port Sarim’s fishing shop, get a small fishing net(most players have it since you create account), 1 fishing rod(...

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