Usfine Drawing and Points System

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:58:04 浏览次数: 4135


Usfine Drawing and Points System

Usfine Drawing System


Usfine's new Lucky Drawing System is developed for all of our customers. We will send whatever prizes you win in this system. Everyday we send large amount of gold, items and equipments! Come and join us right now!



a . If you have enough Usfine Shopping Points in your account, you can exchange the Luck Drawing Chances by your points. Every 50 points can exchange 1 Lucky Drawing Chance. If you have more points, you can exchange more chances. (Shopping points will be deducted from your total shopping points when you exchange every time.)


b. You can do the Luck Drawing as much as you want if you have enough Drawing chances without any limitation. The more you draw, the rate to win is bigger! Try your luck now!


Usfine Lucky Drawing System link:

Usfine's Shopping Points System

1. Introduction
Usfine's shopping points system is developed for all our customers. We want to send more rewards for customer's support. One US dollar consumption equals 1 shopping point. The shopping points will be added in customer's account automatic as soon as customer paid for orders (only for paypal payment). If customer place order via western union payment method,we will add shopping points for you by our staffs. The shopping points won't be expired. The shopping points will be calculated from 29th September,2010.

2. Use of Shopping Points
a. Shopping points can be exchanged for particular goods list in
b. You can exchange your shopping points to drawing chance :
c. you can exchange products you want :
d. When your shopping points reach a certain amount,our system will upgrade customer's VIP level. (The shopping points won't be deducted.)

Customers reach 1000 points will be upgraded as our VIP1 customer. Vip1 customer has life enjoyment of 1% discount.
Customers reach 2000 points will be upgraded as our VIP2 customer. Vip2 customer has life enjoyment of 2% discount.
Customers reach 4000 points will be upgraded as our VIP3 customer. Vip3 customer has life enjoyment of 3% discount.
Customers reach 6000 points will be upgraded as our VIP4 customer. Vip4 customer has life enjoyment of 4% discount.
Customers reach 8000 points will be upgraded as our VIP5 customer. Vip5 customer has life enjoyment of 5% discount.
Customers reach 10000 points will be upgraded as our VIP6 customer. Vip6 customer has life enjoyment of 6% discount.

All Rights Reserved.


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