TokHaar-Kal is on hot sale now!

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:57:21 浏览次数: 4160

TokHaar-Kal is on hot sale now!

The TokHaar-Kal (translated as Sacred-Rock of the victorious) is one of the two possible rewards (the other being an uncut onyx) for completing the Fight Kiln minigame. This cape ties with the completionist cape for the highest strength bonus (+8) and highest defence bonuses (+12 in all stats).

Completion of The Elder Kiln quest is required to enter The Fight Kiln. In addition, a fire cape must be sacrificed when entering the minigame for the first time.

The Fight Kiln minigame consists of 37 waves of harsh enemies. Combat stats over level 90 are recommended, effectively making the cape available to high-level players only. A divine spirit shield and some Nex armour (Torva, Virtus or Pernix) are recommended although not required to complete the minigame.

Currently, it does not work as a Fire cape when fighting Ice Strykewyrms.

TokHaar-Kal can be stored on the cape rack in a Costume room of a Player-owned house.


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