The changes of Lotro gold Price

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 13:00:01 浏览次数: 4119

The Lord of the Rings Online is a popular game in 2007. I was also attracked by it. I have collecting all the product information about it. I sold the products at the first time. As many players entered the game, Lotro gold became a necessary product in the market. So that at first the sale is very good. The price then is 10G=$20, and there is a large demand of it in the market. But the supply of the market is not very comprehensive. But the supply in the market increase now days. And the prices return to rational. The demond is also increase and players all have good credit. And now the price doesn’t change frequently. In gernerally, it is stable. The general price is about $7. The potential of this game market is very large. Players are not very sensitive about the price of the gold. They prefer good customer serive. We are devoting to improve that aspect. I believe that for a long time, the game will keep a stable price.

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