Runescape News: Price changes for new subscribers
For new subscribers becoming members on or after the 4th August, the monthly cost for a RuneScape subscription will increase 30p in the UK, $0.95 in the US and by similar amounts in other currencies. These are examples of the credit card prices - all other payment types will be increasing by a similar margin. If you are an existing member, or you subscribe before the 4th August, this price change will not affect you, as long as you keep your membership valid.
If you are an existing member and you allow your membership to lapse for more than two weeks (after the 4th of August), you will be charged the new rate when you re-subscribe.
RuneScape subscription costs have not changed since RuneScape memberships started in 2002, over 6 years ago! Inflation and exchange rates mean we are having to adjust our prices slightly.
How to make money with Mining and smithing in runescape
Introduction Mining and smithing are two of the most profitable skills in most players opinion. Mining is digging ore through pickaxe. Smithing is take a good bar chain into a variety of related e...
Powerleveling Department's Notice
Many sites promise that if your RS account temporary lock, temporary ban or permanent ban, you will be able to receive compensation. I just want to say: We never get our customer's account banned.A...
Runescape News: Spirit of Summer
Stuck on a different plane, parallel to the Wilderness, itself a long walk from any RuneScape city or town, one family has gone a long time without even seeing a human being. That doesn't...
How to Train Farming in RuneScape
A really good way to train farming in RuneScape. Farming is a skill that takes a long time to get to 99. It used to be that the only way to train farming was to plant a crop and wait for it to g...
Make runescape gold with iron bar / steel bar
Requirements: Your mining should over 50. Also it requires high smithing level. Method: This is a method for money and experience up. The general approach is as follows; 1) put on rune pickax...
Guide to a RuneScape Pure
This guide is what you need to know, with training tips for attack, strength, magic,range, slayer, thieving and any other skills you will need to become an elite pure.Published by rangedboy9 Ran...