runescape news: Price Change - Starting Today

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:48:55 浏览次数: 3498

For players who create a new subscription, the monthly cost of RuneScape membership has increased 30p in the UK, $0.95 in the US and by similar amounts in other currencies. These examples are of increases on credit card prices - all other payment types have been increased by a similar margin.

For a list of the new prices, please view the Billing Options page.

If you have an existing subscription, set up before the 18th August, then this price change will not affect you. You will continue to pay the lower price for as long as you keep your membership valid. As long as you do not allow your membership to lapse for more than two weeks (after the 18th of August), you will continue to pay at this lower RuneScape price.

We are also offering a 'loyalty' rate, for those of you who have paid at the slightly increased price for a long period. If you pay at the higher rate for 12 months (without a gap of more than 14 days) you will be offered the lower, $5 (£3.20) rate at the end of the year.

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