runescape news: Hallowe'en Event and Quest

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:48:29 浏览次数: 3928

Maggie, a travelling witch, has come to southern Asgarnia for the holiday festivities, but she's in a bit of a spot. She needs an enchanted broom to finish her potion but her ox has a cold and can't be left alone. In Swept Away, you'll need to visit several nearby witches on Maggie's behalf – and solve a few puzzles along the way.

While you're in the neighbourhood, why not try out the Holiday Event: a bit of trick-or-treating in Draynor, Rimmington and Port Sarim. The towns are decked out in holiday décor and the villagers have treats to distribute to those wearing a suitable costume. If you're interested in some holiday garb, have a chat with Maggie: she's on the look-out for someone who can do a bit of trick-or-treating on her behalf.

Swept Away can be started by talking to Maggie, who is located south of Falador and east of the Crafting Guild. The quest will be available to all players for two weeks; after this time, it will only be available to members. The Hallowe'en decorations and trick-or-treating will only be available during the same holiday period. Any treats remaining in your bank or inventory after this time will disappear after Hallowe'en.

Mod Ingrid
RuneScape Content Developer


Where to start the Hallowe'en Event or Swept Away:
Speak to Maggie, south of Falador


In other news...

A large number of sound effects and changes to sound effects have been added, especially to capes and the skillcape emotes.

Human animations have been extensively modified to stop players appearing to glide around. You should also notice less 'clipping' with items like capes and armour when performing various actions or using emotes.

When you're dismissing a familiar, you can now right-click on the 'Dismiss' button. This will let you skip the confirmation screen, making it easier to dismiss the familiar during combat.

Fairy rings now have a larger clickable area. Previously, it was quite small and potentially difficult to click on, so we've enlarged it to make your journeys quicker.

Adding items to fill up compost bins should now be considerably easier. When you've used one item on the bin, your character will automatically attempt to put any further items of that type into the bin, saving you a bit of clicking.

Metarialus and Blandebir (the brewing chaps in Port Phasmatys and Keldagrim) will now offer to fill all your pots with yeast at once rather than making you go through their conversation for each pot. Using one beer glass on a barrel of freshly brewed beer will also make your character attempt to fill all their beer glasses without any additional clicking, and there's a newly installed water source in the brewery at Port Phasmatys.

Bounty Hunter Combat levels have been updated to reflect recent Combat level changes. The crater entrance requirements are now: 3-55, 50-100 and 95+ (all without Summoning).

Dragon dagger p++ should now be easier to find on the Grand Exchange. We've also taken the opportunity to change some adamant items to use "addy" at the start. This is only for the super poisoned items, namely arrows, daggers and spears.

QuickChat has now been given a predictive search feature to allow you to find the phrases you want more effectively.

A distant rumble has recently been heard just north of Baxtorian Waterfall...

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