Runescape mining guide

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:47:39 浏览次数: 4163

Runescape mining guide

First of all, be sure you have any different Pickaxe (If you have enough money for Doric's Quest, just do it and you will get to level 11).

Level: 1-5 training

Use Iron pickaxe. Dig Cooper or Tin; if you want them banked, here are 3 places I recommend for you:

1, southeast mining place of Varrock

Runescape mining guide

It’s very close, but there are some 6 level Giant rat near around which may attack level 3-12 player.

  • LumbridgeSwamp

Runescape mining guide

a bit far but very safe for level 3, if you don't want to bank them, this place will help you mining quicker!

3, North of Rimmington

As you can see the shop Runescape mining guide

As you can see the shop here, so drop the ore or sell them to shop? You hold the option!


Level: 6-15 training

Use steel pickaxe, keep mining



Now you can use Iron pickaxe, here are 3 places for banking:


Runescape mining guide

Runescape mining guideMining at the right side of the Party room:

Runescape mining guide

Yellow zone has Iron, or think about Rimmington, iron exist!


21-30: use mirthril pickaxe

31-40: use adamant pickaxe

41-99: use rune pickaxe

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