RuneScape 99 Strength Pure Guide P2p
First off, finish the tutorial and sell all of the items you get from the tutorial at the grand exchange. With that money buy all the scimitar you can up to rune. (except bronze) Also, buy a full set of iron and an amulet of strength. After this go through the stronghold of security and go through the dungeon of player safety. this will give you 20k.
Formula break-down
1-1-1 Chickens
Fight chickens to 5 attack and 10 strength pick up all feathers. Sell the feathers.
5-10-1 Minotaurs
Fight Minotaurs to 10 attack and 20 strength pick up all the iron arrows and rune essence. Sell these too.
10-20-1 Monks
Fight monks east of ice mountain to 30 attack and 40 strength. all of the monks will heal you if you talk to them.
30-40-1 Flesh crawlers
Fight flesh crawlers to 40 attack and 50 strength. Pick up all of the herbs over 1k, the fire runes, nature runes and noted iron ore. This will be about 10 loads of flesh crawlers. you make around 75k per load and you will make 750k all together. In world 2 there are people at the barbarian fishing spot who give free cooked fish out. You will need the food!
40-50-1 Rock crabs
Fight rock crabs above to 60 attack and 99 strength. this will be tough but they drop clue scrolls to keep you busy sometimes.
Congratulations, you have reached 99 strength. Go to any pvp world and own.
This guide was made By Noah Smith. If you want to talk add me in Runescape, my name is Sux My 12 In. I am on quite a lot. Thanks for reading, check out my other guides: F2p range and F2p Strength. Be on the look out for my next guide: P2p Range.

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