Pick up snape grass to earn runescape gold

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:47:54 浏览次数: 3803

Requirements :lunar magics (it is used to complete Lunar diplomacy),we can use the lunar magics transfer to waterbirth,waterbirth or combat ring .


1)change your magic to lunar magics

2)use lvl 50 lunar magics transfer to lunar magics,where some snape grass can be picked up.

3)pick them up till your bag is full,and then use Amulet of Glory or combat ring transfer to the bank .

4)repeat the steps

Profit: This is not very profitable, but it is very simple, very easy. 5-minute trip, an hour is 12 times, a total of 27 trip is more than 300 trees, 300 for each, together is about 100K.

Re-emphasized the point: there is no risk of this approach.


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