Make runescape gold with iron bar / steel bar

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:47:56 浏览次数: 3795

Requirements: Your mining should over 50. Also it requires high smithing level.


Method: This is a method for money and experience up. The general approach is as follows;

1) put on rune pickaxe, sent to Yanille (can use the ring of dueling to the castle war, go in the past.

2) On the north-east ofYanille is a mining area, there are 9 iron. Usually no one dug. You can dug iron ore.

3) Go back to the bank Yanille, deposit the iron ore.

4)Repeatedly to do the second and third step, until you feel enough iron.

5)Buy some coal, usual price is 180/ea.

6) Find a convenient furnace (the furnace in ghost town is just at the opposite of bank, the most convenient), then smith steel bar.

7) Sell Steel bar, basically 650/ea


Profit: The strongpoint of this method is that you can level up yout smithing and mining. But every steel bar should cost you 360 GP for coal. You can earn 290 GP for each steel bar. You can smith 700 steel bar per hour, so that you can earn 200K GP per hour.

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