How to train Pure ranges fast in runescape
For training pure 70 rangers, in a first step, you should kill level 1 chicken, and then you need to pick up feather as much as possible. Till you get level 12, sell your all feather, and buy browzon arrow. Go to strong hold to kill level 12 cows (Actually its not cow:P, I just call it cow coz it looks like cow), they will drop tin ore, rune essences, and copper ore, iron arrow, pick them up. Keep selling then buying runes. When you get to 40 mage level, go to kill 28 level giant hills. You will have big bones and limpwurt root, as long as you concentrate mind, you will own many of them. Big bones and limp root sells for good price. so you can make much money here when you get about 400 K money, buy all arrows, and now start to train on level 48 flesh crawler, its near zombies.
Stand on a special corner, the flesh crawlers will not hit you. You can train till you get 70 range,
Tip: someone wouldn’t suggest giant hills, for 1 def pures mountains of food will be used, they hit extremely hard. But not exactly, actually, we can stay in certain position for shooting,
and giant hills can't reach us! That’s the advantage of rangers
most time. I own 2 hills in this position
Also, if anyone wants to train Prayer, this is the best place for Rangers.

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