How to Properly Run the Ape Atoll Course

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:46:54 浏览次数: 3982
Tips on the RuneScape Ape Atoll Agility course. Published by ThunderBolt

The Ape Atoll Agility course is one of the most famous courses in Runescape. Many people (well monkey’s, actually…) use this course! However, many of them cannot execute a “perfect lap” which means they lose out on huge chunks of xp daily!

Here’s one way to run the course:


There are many other ways. This is one of the “easier” ones, however. Just remember: The more efficient you can run your laps, the faster you will reach your target goal!

*Credits go to Minminpu for making the video.

The Ape Atoll course is a great course for you to use if your agility level is between 68 and 85! Also, this video is best used for people with 75+ agility, as you can’t fail at any of the obstacles from that point on!

What’s more: This is also possibly the best strategy for those even below 75, for the reason that you don’t need to move the camera much, ever! That means that you could techinically keep the camera at one or two different angles at all times, even when you do fail an obstacle!

Mind you, this technique does take some time to master. However, you’ll most likely get the hang of it earlier on in your training — and because this skill is so hard to train, a “perfect lap” will always help you out!

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