How to get your account ready for the Return of The Wilderness and Free Trade?

Usfine 日期: Oct/04/13 12:57:50 浏览次数: 3661

How to get your account ready for the Return of The Wilderness and Free Trade?

Within only 2 weeks, The Wilderness and Free Trade will Return! Have you prepared everything well in order to meet this epic release?

Some players may think they just need to wait until the coming of February 1st, but that is totally wrong! Because you need to prepare many armours and level your accounts in advance so that your accounts will be able to adapt to this new update.


Now Usfine has prepared all the Armours you need to meet the Return of The Wilderness and Free Trade. Also we will help you level your accounts up by the fastest speed in order to make your accounts can take part in the Battle to PK with other players in time.

Click Here to get those Armours and Levels Now!!!

With the Return of The Free Trade, our Rapid Gold service will end on February 1st, so we have decided to offer the cheapest price for this service in this final period.

Click Here to get the Cheapest Rapid gold before the Returning!


Please note the above 2 Promotions will end on February 1st, Time is limited!


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