FFXI product development process
The full name of FFXI is Final Fantasy XI, players’s age are concentrated over 20 years old. FFXI's development also has a very long time. Some of the related films are also very attractive. The game's technical requirements of the individual is high and overall co-ordination also have certain requirements. The initial sales of our products and FFXI GIL include only two types of FFXI POWERLEVELING. At present, after a series of changes, POWERLEVELING products are deepening and expansion of the current sale includes: Cambat, Craft, Genkai, Item, Job, Level, Mission, Quests. There are more targeted products and customers have more chioces. FFXI GIL price changes have gone through a lot of ups and downs. Particularly in 2008, the price changes and buying FFXI Gil was considered as a luxury activity. But the price has stabilized at this moment. The produce of FFXI Gil is stable so that the market is stabilizing.
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