F2P Melee Guide
Are you f2p and need a helpful guide for training melee? Learn it from a f2p veteran with 100 combat and four years of f2p experience. Get all the information you need about what armor and weapons you need and what to train on for fastest xp and money.
First, make some spending money by killing cows found in Lumbridge. Chickens are easier to kill but you can sell cowhides for more than 100gp ea. This should get you some decent armor and weapons
Level 3-15:Always kill chickens at first then move on to cows. Armor:Steel/Iron Full Helm, Steel/Iron Platebody, Steel/Iron Platelegs, Steel/Iron Kiteshield, Amulet of Strength(if you can afford it), Leather Boots, Cape, Gloves, Steel/Iron Scimitar
This list may seem a little expensive so start out with the free bronze armor your given from the tutorial then as you make more money from feathers and cowhides make sure to buy the best armor and weapons that you can equip.
Note:At this level keep your stats even unless you wish to be a pure.
Level 15-25:Train at the barbarians at Barbarian Village. It is faster experience and you can get prayer xp just as you get prayer xp from chickens and cows.
Upgrade your armor to full black and a black scimitar. Also, as you become stronger in defence and hitpoints, go through the Stronghold of Security. This should give you a few extra thousand coins and wear the fighting/colorful boots because they are better for melee. Stronghold of Players' Security also gives Safety Gloves and 10k. I prefer gauntlets to safety gloves.
Note:Picking up free trouts and salmons by the river is good food and free!
Level 25-40:Get full mithril or, if you have the defence and and attack full adamant and an adamantant scimitar. Train on hill giants. You can choose to bury the big bones you get for prayer xp or sell them for a lot of money. This is one of the best ways to make money using combat in f2p.
Note:Some worlds are very crowded so remember to go to a not so crowded world(Not the least crowded).
Level 40-65:This is when you get adamant or even rune at the later levels of this stage. For rune, i prefer the kiteshield although berserker shield(Fist of Guthix reward) has better defence bonuses. The berserker shield wears out extremely quickly and can be a hassle to repair again and again. It also has only 1-2 more defence bonus more than a rune kiteshield and the only advantage i see is the 4 strength bonus which is barely worth it. Get Rune Gauntlets(They never wear out unless you die with them-unlike most Fist of Guthix rewards), Rune Scimitar, Explorers Ring(3)(If you have the time to do Lumbridge/Dranyor achievement diary-lots of walking took me a good 1-2 hours and only useful stat is +1 Prayer Bonus), Amulet of Power or Amulet of Strength(I personally think that Amulet of Power is useful for training because of the slash bonus but Amulet of Strength is probably best for PKing)
Train at moss giants in Crandor(Get 40 fishing because there is cage fishing there) and bury the big bones-there is no bank. You get pretty good drops and its not too crowded but you need to have started Dragon Slayer. Another option is Verrock sewers but there is no food and you usually don't get the drop.
Level 65-85: Ice Warriors and Ice Giants-The 30gp cost of the trip to Karamja to get food is covered by the great rune drops. You make a nice profit and Lesser Demons is another choice, just slower xp(very crowded) but drops are a lot better.
Level:85-105: Flesh Crawlers at level 2 Stronghold of Security. They have a max hit of 1 but bring food. Very fast xp for a high lvl f2p. They are only level28 but aggressive. If you have high defence, strength and attack then try training on the level50 spiders, though they hit higher and more often. Spiders are faster xp in my opinion but they hit harder.
Level:105-126: Definitely train on the level50 spiders to be found at the third floor of the Stronghold of Security. Fastest xp in the game and no need to worry about drops. You can easily get xp twice as fast as Lesser Demons if not faster. Fish salmon and trout by the Barbarian Village river and go to a noncrowded world. Some high levels are said to have gotten around 45k-50k xp per hour!

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