Winners List of Usfine Survey 2012 has Come Out!
Winners List of Usfine Survey 2012 has Come Out!
Usfine Survey 2012 started on March 14th and ended on April 8th. We appreciate all of the customers who participated and paid attention on Usfine! We received a great number of suggestions from more than 300 customers, and most of them are very good! It is really different for us to decide which one is the best, but winners must be chosen, so now let’s see who are the winners.
We are glad to announce the Winners of Usfine Survey 2012:
The Encouragement Prize (20 Persons ):****
All of the above 20 customers will get a Usfine lifelong 5% coupon code as the Reward! Congratulations!
The Fifth Prize (6 Persons ):
All of the above 6 customers will get 2M RS Gold as the Reward! Congratulations!
The Fourth Prize (4 Persons ):
All of the above 4 customers will get 10M RS Gold as the Reward! Congratulations!
The Third Prize (3 Persons ):
All of the above 3 customers will get 30M RS Gold as the Reward! Congratulations!
The Second Prize (2 Persons ):
All of the above 2 customers will get 60M RS Gold as the Reward! Congratulations!
The First Prize (1 Person ):
This Anthony guy will get 100M RS Gold as the Reward! Congratulations!
If you are in the list, please contact us through the following methods, and we will do a simple verification and then give the Prizes to you!
Email: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
Skype: Usfine VIP
Usfine will held more activities like this soon, so please keep your attention on Usfine!
Best Wishes!

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