TzHaar Fight Cave get Fire cape
Rewards:Fire Cape and 8000 TokKul
Some information about Fire Cape:
Category: Armor and Clothing
Stackable: No
Tradable: No
Equips: Yes
Members Only: Yes
Weight: 1 kg
Attack Bonuses
Stab: +1
Slash: +1
Crush: +1
Magic: +1
Ranged: +1
Defence Bonuses
Stab: +11
Slash: +11
Crush: +11
Magic: +11
Ranged: +11
Summoning: +11
Other Bonuses
Strength: +4
Ranged Strength: +0
Prayer: +2
Examine Information: A cape of fire.
Item Uses: Wear for protection.
Item Effects: None.
Item Options: Wear, Use, Drop, Examine.
Requirements to Wear/Wield/Use/Make: Must have beaten TzTok-Jad (Level 702) to earn it.
Respawn Location: None.
Where Found: Reward for beating the Fight Caves mini-game.
Notes: The fire cape is the only animated cape in Runescape.

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