The problems with purchasing FFXI powerleveling

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 13:00:04 Просмотры: 3640

Comparing with the FFXI GIL,the amount of purchasing may be much more less for the FFXI powerleveling. But there are also some problems u may meet :


1: Will FFXI powerleveling make account banned or no ?

No, since we do the FFXI powerleveling until now we have never made any customers' account banned. So you can trust us that our gamers are professional.

2: if we can keep the items that get from the FFXI powerleveling

Sure, we will reserve a number of current levels of items for you, and we are always doing this.

3: During FFXI powerleveling, Can I log on my account ?

Yes, but it will affect the overall progress of FFXI powerleveling, so if there is not an neccesary ,plz don't log on.

4:If i can buy FFXI GIL during FFXI powerleveling?

Yes, we will deliver the FFXI GIL that u have ordered to your account after we have completed your FFXI powerleveling. For any more questions, you can visit our livechat support system, our operators will help you.

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