The fourth part for Thanksgiving Day are coming now

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 13:00:51 Просмотры: 3798

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

The fourth part for Thanksgiving Day are coming now.And we will hold two party in runescape.

The frist party will be hold at party room in world 100 in Runescape at USA Central Time of 20:30 27th, Nov..The frist party will sent about 10M worth of items and equipment for free.

The second party's time and place will be issue after the first party in the game,please pay attention in the game. The second party will sent about 20M worth of items and equipment for free.

Welcome more Runescape customers come to join in the activity,more good present waiting for you to get it,just do it as soon as possible.

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