Tell Us Your Suggestions and Win Free Game Gold or Items!

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:57:40 Просмотры: 3520


Tell Us Your Suggestions and Win Free Game Gold or Items!

Usfine is collecting suggestions from our customers in order to offer better service. If you would like to take few minutes to help us fill a short survey, we will reward you as the following once your suggestions have been used by us:


The 1st Prize ( 1 Person )

Any Game Gold or Items Equal to $100

The 2nd Prize ( 2 Persons )

Any Game Gold or Items Equal to $60

The 3nd Prize ( 3 Persons )

Any Game Gold or Items Equal to $30

The Encouragement Prize ( 5 Persons )

Any Game Gold or Items Equal to $10


The Prize will be judged by the quality of your suggestion! Once you have won the Prize, we will send you an email and confirm what you want to get as the Prize!


Please fill the information as below so that we can contact you and send the gold or items to you if you win the prize!

Your Email:





Character Name:


Survey Questions:

1. How did you know Usfine at the very beginning?

A. Search Engine

B. Game Forums

C. Friends Referral

D. Others

Your Answer________


2. How do you think of Usfine Price?

A. Cheap

B. Acceptable

C. Expensive

Your Answer________


3. How do you think of Usfine Delivery Speed?

A. Fast

B. Medium

C. Slow

Your Answer________


4. How do you think of Usfine Customer Service?

A. Good

B. Fair

C. Poor

Your Answer________


5. There must be something that cause you not satisfied with Usfine sometimes, can you tell us what they are? What is Usfine’s Shortage? Can you tell us your suggestion of how to improve? ( Your answer of this question will decide if you can win the Prize)

Your Answer:


Please Fill the Game Information & Answers and send to [email protected] . The final result will be disclosed around April 15th 2011. We will contact you once you have won the Prize and then arrange the delivery with you!


Usfine All Rights Reserved.
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