Runescape Simthing Rapid leveling-up

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:47:43 Просмотры: 4323

Simthing Rapid leveling-up

Lvl 1 – lvl 7

You can leveling it with mining skill. Prepare 40 Tin Ores and 40 Copper Ores and then go to Al-Kharid to refine them into 40 Bronze Bars.

Take 14 Tins and 14 Coppers everytime.

Al Kharid

After you refined 40 Bronze Bars, you can go to Varrock. Buy a Hammer with 1 gp and make the Bronze Bar into equipments.


After that, your level should arrive 7.

Lvl 7 – lvl 30.

You needn’t make Bronze and Iron now. Especially Iron, the success rate is only 50%. You should finish the quest Knight’s Sword now, then you can get 12725 experience. And your level will be 30.

Lvl 30 – lvl 48

Now, dig or buy a lot of Iron+2 Coal to make sreel items. No matter what you make, the experience is same. The key is that how much there items cost.

Lvl 48 – lvl 99

You can make Steel Platebody now. Each Steel Platebody costs 5 Steel Bars. You can buy or refine them. Someone consider that Mithril may level up speedy. If your level arrive 73, you can make Mithril Platebody. I don’t recommend Rune and Adamant. It is too expensive.

PS: You can level up your magic by using the finished product.

You can leveling it with mining skill. Prepare 40 Tin Ores and 40 Copper Ores and then go to Al-Kharid to refine them into 40 Bronze Bars.

Take 14 Tins and 14 Coppers everytime.

Al Kharid

After you refined 40 Bronze Bars, you can go to Varrock. Buy a Hammer with 1 gp and make the Bronze Bar into equipments.


After that, your level should arrive 7.

Lvl 7 – lvl 30.

You needn’t make Bronze and Iron now. Especially Iron, the success rate is only 50%. You should finish the quest Knight’s Sword now, then you can get 12725 experience. And your level will be 30.

Lvl 30 – lvl 48

Now, dig or buy a lot of Iron+2 Coal to make sreel items. No matter what you make, the experience is same. The key is that how much there items cost.

Lvl 48 – lvl 99

You can make Steel Platebody now. Each Steel Platebody costs 5 Steel Bars. You can buy or refine them. Someone consider that Mithril may level up speedy. If your level arrive 73, you can make Mithril Platebody. I don’t recommend Rune and Adamant. It is too expensive.

PS: You can level up your magic by using the finished product.

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