runescape news: RuneScape Pre-pay Card Launched
We have just launched a new RuneScape subscription pre-pay card in Target stores throughout the US. The card features exclusive art on the front and comes in two versions: 30 days' subscription and 90 days' subscription.
Once purchased, you can then use the PIN number on the back of these cards to subscribe to RuneScape. You can do this by clicking on ‘Account’ in the website’s navigation, choosing ‘Start/Extend Subscription’, logging in, selecting ‘Subscribe by RuneScape Card’ as your payment method and then accepting the terms and conditions.
Runescape News: Three Cheers for Lumbridge!
New Tutorial: Since we first released the tutorial, a huge amount has been added to the game. New content, extra skills, new-look interfaces: all of these combine to make the old tutorial seem a l...
Egg-streme Management (Easter 2010) Quest Guide
The RuneScape Easter event of 2010 takes you back to the Easter Bunny's underground factory. You can start on this quest by heading south of Falador (find the gift icon on your map). Remember...
runescape news: Behind the Scenes - September
When you decide to train a skill, you may have one area in mind: a favourite patch of trees, perhaps, or a specific altar to craft your runes. Well, this month's first update, Distractions and ...
Runescape News: RuneScape Novel Released!
The RuneScape novel - Betrayal at Falador - has been officially released and is available for you all to purchase! Go to the Jagex Store to grab your own piece of RuneScape history. If you took...
Runescape News: Development Diary: A New Look RuneScape!
The pictures shown in the 'Image of the Future' newsposts were just a taster of what is to come with our graphical improvements. In this Development Diary, we get to go into more detail, as wel...
How to Log in with Two Accounts at the Same Time in RuneScape
If you want to log in with two accounts to do a trade or something, but RuneScape won't let you, this is a way around it. Important note: you must be using internet explorer for this to work. S...