Runescape News: RuneScape Novel Released!

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:49:07 Просмотры: 3672

The RuneScape novel - Betrayal at Falador - has been officially released and is available for you all to purchase! Go to the Jagex Store to grab your own piece of RuneScape history. If you took the opportunity to pre-order the novel from our brand new Jagex Store, you can expect to curl up on the sofa with it very soon.

We have also drawn the Betrayal at Falador prize winners. Ten lucky people have been notified that they have won a RuneScape novel signed by TS Church, Andrew Gower, Paul Gower, Jagex CEO Geoff Iddison and the cover artist.

This competition was open to anyone who pre-ordered Betrayal at Falador from the Jagex Store.

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