runescape news: Jagex Store - Official Launch!

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:48:54 Просмотры: 3730

The Jagex Store has expanded to include a range of official RuneScape merchandise. If you visit it today, you'll find that it includes the following items:

  • T-shirts
  • Hoodies
  • Mousemats
  • A wireless optical mouse
  • Mugs

None of these items are available anywhere else - they are exclusives to the Jagex Store. The official RuneScape novel, Betrayal at Falador, is also available from the store.

We have more merchandise planned for the near future, so keep an eye on the RuneScape front page for more announcements. We've even got some items in the pipeline that are based on your feedback!

Anyway, enough from us - get to the Jagex Store and check out the official accessories and apparel for yourself!

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