runescape news: All Fired Up

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:48:53 Просмотры: 4093

Increasingly concerned by Morytania mischief makers and invaders from the Wilderness, King Roald has a burning desire to increase homeland security. This has taken the form of a beacon network that will warn Varrock of invasion. The beacons have been built and firetenders have been assigned to look after them; the only problem is that they are yet to be tested – and that's where King Roald could use your pyromania...

After you learn the basics of lighting and maintaining the beacons in a sizzlingly short quest, you are free to use the beacons as you please. Why not challenge yourself and see how many beacons you can keep simultaneously alight? Rewards are in store for those who succeed, not to mention some Firemaking experience for flashy firetenders.


Where to start the All Fired Up quest:

Talk to King Roald in the Varrock Palace throne room.

Requirements to complete the All Fired Up quest:

Level 43 Firemaking
Priest in Peril

Access to:

A new way to train Firemaking
Some flaming-brilliant Firemaking rewards
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