RuneScape: Avoid Merchanting Clans

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:46:51 Просмотры: 3898
Why you should avoid Merchant Clans in RuneScape. Published by ThunderBolt

Many people see Merchanting Clans as a great way to make money!

Sometimes, it is. I won’t lie, you can make millions by using a Merchanting Clan. However, do you know what’s going on behind the scenes?

In every Merchant Clan worth mentioning, the leader will let everyone know what item will be merchanted. Now, the top members of the Clan all have a say in the item. Therefore, if you’re good friends with one of the top leaders, you may be safe from the “scams” that occur in merchanting clans.

What “scams” you may ask. It’s quite simple, really. Why, do you imagine, would someone want to run a merchanting clan? Probably to make money, should be your assumption. You’re right if that is what you think. However, they don’t normally want to make money off the Grand Exchange! They want to make the money off you!

There are a handful of trustworthy Merchanting Clans out there. However, the majority are created to suck money from the everyday use of the Grand Exchange, but also all the “unranked” members of the clan! They’ll start merchanting 2-3 days in advance, before they mention anything in the clan chat. Then, since they have already bought a LARGE number of items, they’ll sell some too you (at max price!). Now, they’ve turned a profit already!
Then, they sell when they see it’s safe (they’re guaranteed money). If you lose, many leaders don’t care! Don’t let them take your hard earned money. Fellow Runescapers, if you want to merchant well, do it on your own! Research can help you make BILLIONS if you know what to research and when to buy/sell! Don’t let Merchanting Clans take your money; Take control of yourself, don’t let others tell you what to do!

(Please be aware that there are honest merchanting clans, but to find one you’d have to be real lucky. You never know which ones are trustworthy or not…)

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