RuneScape Attack, Defense and Strength Guide

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:47:06 Просмотры: 3812
A RuneScape guide for attack, defense and strength.

Hello this is dallas2blade! I am going to show you a guide to strength, attack and defence.

From levels 1-5 for attack, strength and defence you should train on goblins. You should now wear full iron armor.

From levels 5-30 for attack, strength and defence you should train on cows. You should now wear full adamant.

From levels 30-40 for attack, strength, and defence you should train on hill giants, if you do this you will make some good profit. You should now try to do the dragon slayer quest and wear full rune with the Plate body.

From levels 40-50 you should train on scorpions in the Falador mines.

From levels 50-60 you should train on white knights.

From levels 60+ you should train on giant spiders in the stronghold of security but make sure to bring a full inventory of lobsters. This can make you about 50k experiance per hour.

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