Make Yew/Magic Longbow get runescape money
Requirements: You can make whole yew/magic longbow and sell it to others( you can use it, too). 1K magic log worth about 1.2M GP. You can buy 1K bowstring ( about 150) to make the magic longbow. The selling price is more than 1400. So that you can get about 150K GP per 80 mins.

To Level Up Combat in RuneScape
RuneScape combat - leveling up. Published by isaf11 To level combat up in runescape if you are doing melee you need to get these levels up strength, defence,and attack. It doesn’t matter which...

Write Runescape Guide and Win 10M RS Gold!
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Runescape cooking leveling guide
For cooking training, F2p can just train at Lumbridge: first, withdraw fish from bank in 3rd floor, then back and cook on first floor (use cooking range will decrease the rate to get food burnt)...