Guide to a RuneScape Pure

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:46:52 Просмотры: 3780
This guide is what you need to know, with training tips for attack, strength, magic,range, slayer, thieving and any other skills you will need to become an elite pure.Published by rangedboy9

Rangedboy_9’s guide to a maxed out 1 defence pure

If you have ever thought of making a pure, you need to read this guide. People decide to make pures for several reasons, some such as influence from pkers on youtube or from other sites or maybe even from friends.

PICKING A NAME: You must pick a good name for a pure, when i made my pure rangedboy_9 i never thought i would get the stats he has now, and looking back I wish i choose a better name. Make a name that you will be stuck with forever. Choose an original name like I K0 QUICK. Once you have chosen that oh so important name decide which kind of pure you would like to become as they’re are several. You can be a strength pure a range pure a magic pure a range/magic pure a range/melle pure a melle/magic pure or a hybrid. I personally am a hybrid which means I pk with all 3 styles of the combat triangle.

Getting started: OK so the first thing every pure must do is do the strongholds, which will give you a pair of boots that are the best for f2p. Also you will receive 600xp used towards what ever you want and 20k.

Range: OK so here are the facts about range, range is the second most expensive combat skill but probably the best one to have. Consider this, with 99 range a magic short bow can hit 30’s. While a dark bow can hit 48-48. Which is basically an instant “Ko”. Here is how you should train your range, with all the quests needed at the bottom and the price range.

First buy all the short-bows from normal-magic

Also purchase full leather and also green vambraces and chaps. Also get 1k bronze arrows.

1-10 head out to the oh so awesome chickens, collect feathers and bones.
1-25 I killed cows and collected bones and hides. This made me around 30k.
25-40 I killed barbarians in barbarian village using the safe-spots.
40-65 I went to a pures best friend, rock-crabs.
65-80 I killed fire giants and made around 1 mil.
80-99 I suggest using soulwars or you can use fire giants.
85-99 If you have the cash you may choose to use red chins in the monkey madness dungeon.
Quests that most be done:
Animal magnetism
Recipe for disaster 66 cooking is a bitch but the Addy gloves are worth it
Strength is very helpful for getting ko’s weather you are using a dds g maul or an Ags.

buy every scimitar from iron- rune

1-10 chickens are very fast and give a good profit.

10-20 cows are fast and give you a fairly good profit.

20-60 rock-crabs, no profit here but very fast training.

60-85 Experiments, they hit nothing and are very fast exp

85-99 grab that soul wars gear and get ready for some boring ass playing, but no hp

Quests needed:
Again you must do recipe for disaster

Monkey madness is very easy

Lost city is a really easy, beyond belief easy.

Magic: Cast stuns and weakens til 19 then curse to 55 then alch in zanaris to 99.

Magic is very easy and doesn’t even need a guide, to be honest but i still put it there just in case you didn’t know

Quest’s Desert treasure is all

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