Development of Warhammer
Warhammer is one of the most popular gamers after Age of Conan, at September, 2008, we started to have warhammer gold and powerleveling in sale, at the first beginning, Warhammer powerleveling took big part, as most people keep attention of taste the game content, the hard part is training slowly because players were unfamiliar with new game, they chose powerleveling for fast level up, after they get high level, they realized gold became more and more important…but at the moment, gold demand is still in low level, that’s because many players quitted warhammer when they get to certain level and feel it is unattractive, so they back to their original game. We can see if the new game is not attractive enough for players, players will quit, and this is common, we expect update, which takes new energy. We believe Warhammer has big potential to achieve this, and it keeps developing, we are expecting good results

Express Runescape Gold Farming Service
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Runescape News: New Website and Much More
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Usfine Notice
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Runescape Smithing Guide (f2p/p2p)
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