Buy Runescape Accounts From Usfine, Get FREE Rapid Gold!

Usfine Дата: Oct/04/13 12:57:41 Просмотры: 3701

Buy Runescape Accounts From Usfine, Get FREE Rapid Gold!

In response to your energetic support, as well as enable you to enjoy better experiences in Runescape, Usfine has carried out new promotional activities: Buy Accounts, Get FREE Rapid Gold! The daily supply is limited, First come, first serve! No waits, just move!


Activity Rules:

1. We will reward you 5M free gold when your order exceeds a total amount of $60 or over. It will be delivered to you in game, you may arrange any of your account to receive the gold.


2. If you purchased a $60+ account, you may feel free to contact our Live chat operator to receive the account details and free gold.


3. The daily supply of free gold is 30M,First come, first serve!


4. This activity exclude following accounts:

Accounts come with 5M or more gold;

Pure account+ Gold Package;

Accounts selling lower than $60.

Please Click Here to get the cheapest Runescape Account and your reward!


All rights reserved.

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