Barrow series is the strongest in runescape
Divided into six packages
Following are the gradual introduction
Warrior package,the strongest defense in the 6 Suites,Weapons for attacks is Stroke.After you put on all four items, when you attack enemy, you have a certain extent reduce the chance of 10% run energy
* Torag's Helm: 455.5K ,need 70def
* Torag's Platebody: 204.2K ,need 70def
* Torag's Platelegs: 311.6k ,need 70def
* Torag's Hammers: 97.5K ,need 70att
* Barrows - Torag's Set: 1.1M
Master Suite,Have a good defense and attack magic attached,After you put on all four items, when you attack enemy, you have a certain extent reduce the chance of strength level
* Ahrim’s Hood: 68k ,need70def and magic
* Ahrim’s Robetop: 231.3k ,need70def and magic
* Ahrim’s Robeskirt: 549.2k ,need70def and magic
* Ahrim’s Staff: 50.9k ,need70magic
* Barrows - ahrim's set: 899.5K
Archer Suite,Crossbow arrow Shooting speed=bow and arrow,Additional Numerical is not good.After you put on all four items, when you attack enemy, you have a certain extent reduce the chance of Agility level
* Karil’s Coif: 34.4K 70def and range
* Karil’s Leathertop: 805.5k 70def and range
* Karil’s Leatherskirt: 108.3k 70 def and range
* Karil’s Crossbow: 170.9k 70 range
* Barrows - Karil’s Set: 1.1M
* Bolt Racks: 300 - 400 Karil Crossbow
Warrior package,Additional attacks and defense is not very good.Weapons can be used as all attack modes.After you put on all four items, when you attack enemy, you have a certain extent chance of promote HP
PS:very expensive
* Guthan’s Helm: 1M 70def
* Guthan’s Platebody: 347k 70def
* Guthan’s Chainskirt: 178.2K 70def
* Guthan’s Warspear: 2.7M 70att
* Barrows - Guthan’s Set: 4.2M
Warrior package,attack is quite good.Warrior package is the worst in defence
Weapons is use Stroke.After you put on all four items, when you attack enemy, you have a certain extent chance of not getting hurt.
* Verac’s Helm: 1.3m 70def
* Verac’s Brassard: 206.7K 70def
* Verac’s Plateskirt: 452.9K 70def
* Verac’s Flail: 146.4K 70att
* Barrows -Verac Set: 2.1M
Warrior package,attack effect is the best and defence effect is moderate
Weapons is use Stroke and cut.After you put on all four items, the lower HP,the higher harm
* Dharok’s Helm: 3.1M 70def
* Dharok’s Platelegs: 302.6k 70def
* Dharok’s Platebody:193.9K 70def
* Dharok’s Greataxe: 234.1k 70att and str
* Barrows -Dharok Set: 3.8M

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