The annoyance when we buying Maplestory Mesos

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 13:00:11 Views: 3565

Have you bought Maplestory Mesos? Did you have some doubts or met some unhappy things? If you did, don’t worry. We will answer it for you.

1. You may find that you don’t receive the right amount which you bought. Cause during Maplestory transaction, the official charges taxes. (detailed rates please see table below). That’s why some senders always send 4999999 once. We are not cheating you, we just want to low the taxes. It may be a little burdensome. But as long as you wait patiently. We will send all the Mesos you ordered. After the transaction, plz don’t log off immediately, we will send you 1M bonus if you purchase every 10 M mesos.^^













2. If you are fighting with the Boss in the game and you receive a message “This is usfine,I am coming to fill your order……” You cant leave to receive the Mesos then. It may lead many troubles. In fact, you can leave when do you have time in the comments blank when you place your order. Then we can fill your order easily.

3.Sometimes we may out of Mesos, plz don’t worry about it. The reason usually is that the mesos in your server is in hot sale. You can ask our professional operators the stock before you place an order.

4. If you put the wrong server by mistake. You needn’t to worry about it. You can contact our professional operators and tell the correct server of your order. We will change your order immediately.

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