Some questions of buying Runescape Item/ Equipment.
Some common runescape items and good runescape equipment are very popular, customer get their items and equipment by fast through us; maybe these answers match your questions:
1, How do you get the items and equipment?
Normally, we will get enough gold to your accounts, and then we will buy at exchange grand or gamer, then you can wait till people sell the item. We hope you will not log on game before the order done, that may affect our progress.
2, why I can’t get my equipment in time?
For some rare equipment, we need more time to get them, for this inconvenience, we hope you can understand.

cheap dragon claws
Dear customer, As with all Dragon equipments, D Claws is the exception that can’t be made by smith skill. In past 2 month, this equipment has become extremely rare, price raised from original 21...

Fishing speedy leveling-up in runescape
Fishing speedy leveling-up Attention: All the tools can be bought in Port Sarim. Price: Small Fishing Net:5gp Fishing Rod:5gp Fishing Bait:2gp/each Fly Fishing Rod:5gp Feather: 6gp...

Runescape news: Players' Gallery - Barrows Brothers
There's been a bit of a Barrows Brothers theme recently, with our wallpaper being followed by a Players' Gallery. If you like your warriors purple and ghostly, go here to see some ghoulish pictures...

Runescape News: Fist of Guthix
A number of Guthix druids have discovered an unexplored cave under the lower Wilderness, just north of Varrock. Inside is a new, one-on-one, tactical PvP combat minigame, available to both memb...

Guess Riddles to Win Free Runescape Gold Every day!
Guess Riddles to Win Free Runescape Gold Every day! From Today to Aug 31st, 2011, We will post one riddle every day on our Facebook Page. If you know the answer, please write your answer ...

The Runespan has been Released as a New Runecrafting Training Method!
The Runespan has been Released as a New Runecrafting Training Method! After promised at Runefest 2011’s, attendees chose a new Runecrafting training method from a choice of...