Runescape gold farming :Kill chaos druids

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 12:47:55 Views: 4440

Requirements: You must reach level 82 of Thieving, of course not as high a level, you can do.

Methods: It is simple. Just go and kill chaos druids and pick up the herbs they left. Then deposit them in the bank. The details is in the following:

1)Start from Yanille bank and then enter a house.(It is beside the bank, the house is the only building besides magic consortia. And then go down the stairs.

2)As soon s you open the lock, you will find about 10 chaos druids.

3)Then kill the druids and pick uo the herbs.

4)Go back the bank to deposit the herbs. Repeat it.

If your thieving is not that high but your agility is over 58, you can get to place of chaos druid by another way.

1)On the north of Yanille, there is a building beside WatchTower. The door is stopping spider web. Slash open web with a knife , then you will be able to get down the stairs.

2)When you pass the ledge( You might fall into the place of poisonous spiders, so that you should prepare anti-poison potion. There are some chaos druid warriors.

3)Keep walking along the channel, you can reach to a monkey bar, where need for agility level of 58 or so (there is also the danger of falling out)

4)At last, you can reach the place of chaos druids.

Of course , there are chaos druids in the edgeville cellar. But in the wild, there was the risk of PK others, it might be advisable not to play in the local Druid chaos.

Profit: The herbs are expensive. The cheapest herbs worth 500 GP. If you can kill the chaos druid warriors in agility dungeo. You can earn at least 300K GP per hour. Alsom it can raise your combat level.

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