How could low level runescape players make money?
Everything is hard in the beginning. No money, no equipment, is common problem for novices. Then how can we get ot of such situatoion? Firstly, we should have enough gold, then can we have good equipments. The equipment will offer us more offensive and defensive ability. I will talk about how to to get a suit of mithril equipemtns. It includes mithril kiteshield、mithril full helm、mithril platebody、mithril paltelges、mithril scimitar. It costs about 8K GP.
On the north of lumbridge, there is a farm in the east of draynor manor. You can kill the cows in the farm. Then pick up the cow’s bone, cowhide and beef. There is also a deposit box in the farm, you can transfer the materials easily. It will save you much time.
The bones can increase you prayer level, raw beef is for food. But the cowhide is the most important. You must sell it in the auction house. It worth 101-113 GP per cowhide. You can make money by selling cow hide. I hope this tutor can help you a lot.

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