Fishing speedy leveling-up in runescape
Fishing speedy leveling-up
Attention: All the tools can be bought in Port Sarim.
Small Fishing Net:5gp
Fishing Rod:5gp
Fishing Bait:2gp/each
Fly Fishing Rod:5gp
Feather: 6gp/each(it is 5gp selling in GE)
Lobster Pot:20gp
Harpoon(doesn’t recommend):5gp
Lvl 1 – lvl 20
You can catch the high level fish as you can. And then use the fish to level up your cooking skill.
If you want to catch Anchovies, I suggest that cook them and then deposit it in the bank. The price will be doubled if you cooked the fish and sell it to GE. You can reference to the guide of making money by fishing.
Location :Draynor Village
Lvl 21 – lvl 30
Fish Trout via Fly Fishing Rod & Feather. The location is marked in the following:
Lvl 30 – lvl 99
Fish Salmon and Trout, also use Fly Fishing Rod & Feather.
Location : Choose one of the following 2, we recommend Barbrian Village.
Red circle: You can sell the helmet there. There is a pile of fire which never die. You can cook the fish by the fire. So that you needn’t take the fire box and axe.
Red line : It is the way to sell the helmet.
There are 3 methods:
- Deposit them in the bank.
- Cook them at the red circle place, then trhow it away to others.
- Just throw it.
In these 3 methods, the first can stock up food and make money. The second method will get you cooking skill and it is quick. The third method is the quickest!
There are 3 methods ,too.
- Sell them to the grocery store.
- Throw the away.
- Deposit in the bank.
The second method is the fastest. The first one can make some money and the third one can offer you food. If you use the third methos, you can use Home Teleport every 30 mins. Or you can use the lvl 31 Lumbridge Teleport ( It doesn’t have time limit, but it need you use Runes)

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