Earning runescape money with runecrafting

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 12:47:43 Views: 3694

Earning runescape money with runecrafting

Lvl 1 – lvl 33:

Refer to Runecrafting rapid lvl up strategy. If you buy Rune Essence, you will lose money.

Lvl 33 – lvl 99:

Make Air Runes. Now, the price of Rune Essence is 40ea, the price of Air Runes is 13ea. So you at 33-43, you can make 4 Air Runes with one Ess, you can get 13*4-40=12gp from each Ess.

Other level to get profit(each Ess)

44-54: 13*5-40=25gp

55-65: 13*6-40=38gp

66-76: 13*7-40=51gp

77-87: 13*8-40=64gp

88-98: 13*9-40=77gp

99: 13*10-40=90gp


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