Analysis about the rasing price about RS GOLD in short period time

Usfine Date: Oct/04/13 12:59:43 Views: 3918

The price raised during Christmas time. It is a sudden change about the price and it comes a little earlier than the past years. The main reason for higher prices is short supply of the market. B ecause of Christmas substantial increase in demand, while supply is far behind. It leading to overall product out of stock. There have been some short-term orders delay situation. But most of our customers can understand this situation. We have tried our best to ensure that customers’ orders should be started within 24 hrs. In order to keep the speedy sending, the price raised again. In my opinion, the price will raise in the future at the end of this month. I hope that customers can prepare well. The sending speed may be slowed down and price may raise because of the short stock of products.

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