Why I Am Addicted to RuneScape

Usfine Data: Oct/04/13 12:47:05 Visualizzazioni: 3912

One day a while back, it was a rainy weekend and I was bored. I was sitting on the couch with my laptop and the TV on and I was playing an on-line game named RuneScape. I was sitting there, wondering why I was bored, but also why I played. At that time, I payed about six dollars a month for extended benefits. When I don't make Honor Roll my parents stop paying and I become a non-member. When I am a non-member I cant live with my life, no matter what I am doing it feels like there is a hole in my life. At one point this wasn't so because I had only experienced being a non-member before being a member once and once I became a member I basically did everything possible to do as a non-member and I became bored. But that time on the couch I was a member and I was thinking, why am I so addicted to playing this game? I came up with the answer weeks later while reading a hacking guide for purposes other than RuneScape. It was because RuneScape filled the hole in my life, like some people party, or talk with friends, I can do all three on RuneScape and there is so much else to do too. I can talk with both Matt's with the Player Messaging System, I can Have a Party at Matt Kivijarvs house because of his high construction level, and I can just do a very large number of things. This is why I play RuneScape, to fill the hole in life which I think everyone has.

By dharokown

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