Where do you get runescape skillcape?

Usfine Data: Oct/04/13 12:47:58 Visualizzazioni: 4008

When your any skill achieves the peak time, you may spend 99K to purchase skillcape.

Skill City NPC
Attack Warriors' Guild Ajjat
Strength Warriors' Guild Sloane
Defense Lumbridge Melee combat tutor
Ranged Ranging Guild Aaron
Prayer Monastery Brother Jered
Magic Wizards' Guild Robe Store Owner
Runecrafting Varrock Aubury
Hitpoints Duel Arena Surgeon General Tafini
Agility Brimhaven's Agility Arena Cap'n Izzy No-Beard
Herblore Taverley'sGuthix Kaqemeex
Thieving Martin Thwait :Rogues' Den Martin Thwait
Crafting Crafting Guild The Master Crafter
Fletching Catherby Hickton
Slayer Shilo Village Duradel
Construction Ardogune Falador Varrock Estate Agent
Mining Mining Guild Dwarf
Smithing Port Sarim Thurgo
Fishing Fishing Guild Master Fisher
Cooking Cooks' Guild Head Chef
Firemaking Seers' Village Ignatius Vulcan
Woodcutting Lumbridge Woodsman Tutor
Farming Draynor Village Martin the Master Gardener
Hunting Feldip Hills Hunter Expert
Summoning Taverley Pikkupstix
Quest Draynor Village Wise Old Man


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