What is Runescape gold farming
Runescape gold farming is a mode using customer’s account to farm gold. This is a new trading method after RS official limited the trading. But there are different opinions about this kind of trading method.
Someone said this trading method is unsafe. It may lead account got hacked or powerleveled wrong skill. It is understandable to have this misgivings. This kind of method usually lasts long time. In my opinion, this is why so cheap this kind of gold is. But others think farming gold with customer’s account is more safe. Cause it needn’t trade with other accounts and it accords normal customer’s operation. That’s why they think it is safe.
So compared to other models, this method should be cheaper than others. If you are a new buyer, you can ask your friends for advise and then make a choice. Some non-formal Web site use of ultra-low-price and don’t specify what kind of transaction methods. We do hope customers pay more attention to that and ask their customer service and make clear all the details in order to avoid some unpleasant things That’s all I have to say, hope you a happy shopping.

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