Want to Make Your Name become Usfine Coupon Code and Enjoy it Yourself?
Want to Make Your Name become Usfine Coupon Code and Enjoy it Yourself?
Summer Vacation has come, more and more game players are coming back to Usfine and buy their favorite stuffs!
In order to let you guys get cheaper stuffs on usfine.com in Summer Vacation, we have decided to give usfine coupon codes to you guys.
These Coupon Codes are special, because it will be made by your name.
For example, if your name is Jim Green, we will create “jimgreen” as a coupon code and give it to you. Or you can name a code by yourself. This coupon code will be valid in the Whole Summer Vacation as it will be expired on Aug 31st 2011. So you can enjoy it for a long time! The Discount is 5%-10% depending on your purchase history on usfine.com.
How to get the Coupon Code made by your name?
Step 1: Send the coupon code you want to get to [email protected]
Step 2: We will create the coupon code as your request and reply you by email.
Step 3: Use the coupon code and enjoy discounts in the whole Summer Vacation!
If you also would like to join our Make Money Plan and let us put your coupon code in your account, then if anyone else uses your coupon to buy on usfine, you will get extra 2% commission! So it means to spread your coupon code to your friends or other players, you may get paid for a lot of money finally. Try now!
Please note that the coupon code can not be used when you buy Daily Special Deals.
Happy Holidays!
Usfine All Rights Reserved!

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