Usfine is recruiting Distributors! Wholesale price will be offered!

Usfine Data: Oct/04/13 12:57:53 Visualizzazioni: 3526

Usfine is recruiting Distributors! Wholesale price will be offered!

Do you have many friends who are going to buy game currency?

Do you want to sell game currency to those who want to buy and then make profit by yourself?

Are you going to place a large amount order or purchase in bulk?

Do you have a game online store?

Are you also a game reseller?

Are you usually out of stock if you are already a game reseller?

If yes, please just apply to become our Distributor or VIP Member!

What benefits can you enjoy if you become our Distributor or VIP Member?

  • You can enjoy Wholesale price for all the products on which will be unbelievable cheaper than the normal price on usfine.
  • You can have your own Distributor Account Manager who will offer you the most efficient service.
  • You can enjoy the privilege to get the delivery faster than all other normal orders.

Who are qualified to become our Distributor or VIP Member?

  • Anyone who has already purchased more than 5000 USD totally on usfine.
  • Anyone who has already purchased more than 800 USD totally in the past 30 days.
  • Anyone who is going to place a single order larger than $500.
  • Anyone who is going to place more than 10 orders at one time.
  • Anyone who has a online store or a game related website.
  • Anyone who has many potential game currency buyers.

If you are qualified to be one of the above, then you should not wait anymore, please Click Here to fill and submit your Application Form, our Distributor Account Manager will review your Application and get back to you as soon as possible!

Attention: If you are not qualified to become a Distributor or a VIP Member yet, please do not apply or your application will be refused, but you can apply later once you are qualified.

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