The Usfine's server hardware upgrade!

Usfine Data: Oct/04/13 12:58:18 Visualizzazioni: 4182

Last week we were continuously under attacked by someone(Our competitors), To this end we have strengthened our defenses of server, and upgrade to be Dual server load of, It will be completed this week. The One of our server details:

Motherboard SuperMicro X8DTN+_R2 Intel Xeon HexCore DualProc [2Proc]
Processor Intel Xeon-Westmere 5620-Quadcore [2.4GHz]
Processor Intel Xeon-Westmere 5620-Quadcore [2.4GHz]
RAM DDR3 1333, 16GB (8x2GB)
Uplink speed 1000Mbps
Hard Drive Western Digital WD Caviar RE3 WD5002ABYS x 4 (2TB)
Hardware Firewall and DDos Protected Shield Service Installed.

Hope that by upgrading to ensure that everyone's happy shopping in Usfine.

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